
Friday, October 30, 2020

descriptive writing

 in room four we are learning about descriptive writing here's my one it's called black panther its not quiet finished but yeah here it is

Black panther 
One day there was a little kid named T'Challa. T'Challa's dad was the king of Wakanda. T’Challa wanted to become the king of Wakanda. His dad was a superhero, his name was Black Panther. T’challa’s dad was the first ever black superhero. One day Black Panther went to the museum because there was a bad guy named Golden Cheetah. He was Black Panther's worst victim because he killed his mum. Then one day T’Challa’s dad got killed because the Golden Cheetah was fast and killed Black panther. So T’challa found his dad's suit for black panther and king of Wakanda.  He found a girlfriend and had a wedding in 2018 he started dating her in 2016. In 2019 they met a new friend named Peter Parker and  he became spider-man. They heard a scream coming from the maze bank while walking from KFC.. They made a clan called DC. One day Black Panther was in the maze bank and there was a bad guy named Doctor Devil. Doctor Devil was there because he was meeting Golden Cheetah to plan when they are going to explode the whole world. So one day they decided to explode it the day they were in the maze bank but on that day iron man heard what they said and he was crying because he was going to break down the nuclear bomb by blocking the big massive hole with a defensive flooring

i think this writing is good but it might not be an desciptive writing but atleast i gave it a go

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

blog commenting

 what i know about blog comments: blog comments are beginning with a greeting. 

the next thing they have is a positive thing. 

then a thoughtful comment

then the one after that is a helping thing that could help them improve on the work

then its ending with a nice thing like keep up the work or something like that

my first comment is on Taimane's blog

hi Taimane

i like the way you put a lot of detail in the post 

did you think about putting what is LPS day

i noticed that you put four words below the comment could you explain what those words

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

My terrific first day of school

We have learnt about pirates. Because it was pirate day it was our first day of school it was fun because mr matai dressed up in a pirate suit and it was funny

Good because we were learning about different shapes of our group. I got six & we were learning about pirates. It was fun.

Do you think this post is good?

and please leave a positive comment

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Facts about me

the focus of my post is learning about me, this about me post i learning were i'm from what my country
the website that helped me with this was Uru Manuka here's the link to it Uru Manuka site

during this task it was hard because i had to find a picture and crop it but i had to stretch it as well and it was hard fitting.

alot of images i got was from unsplash heres the link. unsplash

1. how much things did you learn about me and what was it
2. can you tell me about you and what your dream destination is mine is Samoa

Thursday, May 21, 2020

what i learnt in the past three days

hi readers,

this post is about what i learnt from the past three days, the first thing i learnt is about a diamante poem, a diamante poem is a poem that is shaped as a diamond and has seven lines, example:

                Fiery, Yellow
    Burning, Blinding, Exploding
 Flame, Light, Night, Crescent
    Shining, Orbiting, Reflecting
               Cold, Silver

i also learnt that lions can live for 10 - 14 years

and thats all i learnt thank you for reading hope you enjoyed

Monday, May 11, 2020

Hi reader's

This post is about me and my sister making a lava lamp for my science. My least favourite part was when the colors didn't mix to make orange because we used red and yellow food coloring but my favourite part was when the food coloring stayed at the top of the water then it just went down and spread around the bottle and it was very satisfying and nice to watch. even though that was a science thing i learnt that when water and oil are put together it doesn't mix so that means that its is a physical reaction. Here are six pictures of me doing the lava lamp

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Anzac Biscuits

Me and my family did some baking together. This post is about me making some Anzac biscuits with my mum for integrated learning. What I liked the most about these were that they were food and I could eat them. What I found hard was pouring the ingredients into the measuring cup. I found it interesting when i rolled the mixture into balls because i didn't expect it to come out of the oven flat. here are some photos of me making the Anzac biscuits.

Sponge-Bob Finger Puppet

This post is about a finger puppet that my sister helped me with for my science. I chose Sponge Bob because he's my favourite cartoon character

Descriptive Writing

This picture is about a windy storm that is going to break the castle on the rock. My writing is called natural disaster and shows what i can see, hear, smell, and feel.

Cup Cake

This post is about me making a chocolate cake in a mug for my science. These pictures are of me making the cup cake. 

I think that my cake in a cup is a physical change at the start, because all the ingredients are mixed together, but when it is baked i think it is a chemical change because it went from liquid to a solid.